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  • Early motion shows results comparable to immobilization after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair

    Source: Healio

    In a 30-month follow-up of young patients who underwent arthroscopic rotator cuff repair, researchers found no significant differences in shoulder function between those who had early passive range of motion and patients who were immobilized.

    “There is no apparent advantage or disadvantage of early passive range of motion compared with immobilization with regard to healing or functional outcome,” Jay D. Keener, MD, and colleagues from Washington University wrote in their abstract.

    The investigators studied 124 patients younger than 65 years who underwent arthroscopic repair of full-thickness rotator cuff tears and were randomized to either an early range of motion rehabilitation process or to an immobilization group that had range of motion delayed for 6 weeks. The investigators evaluated the patients using the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for pain, American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons score, Simple Shoulder Test, relative Constant score and strength measurements. There were 114 patients available for final follow-up.

    At 3 months postoperatively, the immobilization group had significantly better mean active range of motion into elevation and external rotation compared with the early motion cohort. “After 3 months, there were no significant differences in VAS pain score, active range-of-motion values, shoulder strength measures, or any of the functional scales between the groups at the time of the 6-month, 12-month, or final follow-up evaluation,” wrote Keener and colleagues wrote in their study.

    Although the investigators’ research did not study patient satisfaction, “Immobilization did not appear to lead to greater risks of shoulder stiffness,” they wrote. There was also no difference in terms of tendon healing between groups.

    “Either early passive motion or a period of early immobilization is equally safe and effective after surgical rotator cuff repair in this cohort,” the researchers wrote.

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  • Improper way of working out may do more harm than good

    Source: News Medical

    With the coming of the new year, many people will vow to get in shape after overindulging during the holidays. However, not knowing the proper way to work out might do more harm than good.

    Nearly 500,000 workout-related injuries occur each year. One reason is people want to do too much too fast and overuse their muscles. These injuries occur gradually and are often hard to diagnose in the bones, tendons and joints. Another reason is poor technique during weight and other training.

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  • Knee Braces for Osteoarthritis Treatment

    Source: DailyRx

    Osteoarthritis is the most common joint issue for middle-aged and older adults. The good news is that there may be a simple solution to help patients deal with the pain.

    A recent study examined the effectiveness of wearing a patellofemoral (the joint connecting the back of the knee cap and the thigh bone) knee brace for reducing knee pain and damaged bone marrow (tissue inside the bones).

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  • Surgeons Describe New Knee Ligament

    Source: Medical News Today

    At the Belgian University Hospitals Leuven, two knee surgeons have for the first time given a full anatomical description of a new ligament that they term the anterolateral ligament (ALL).

    At the Belgian University Hospitals Leuven, two knee surgeons have for the first time given a full anatomical description of a new ligament that they term the anterolateral ligament (ALL).

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  • Healing and Surviving After Knee and Hip Replacements

    some people with aching bones and joints, knee or hip replacement surgery may be a treatment option. But pre-existing conditions may affect how a patient responds to surgery.

    A recent study found that joint replacement patients with certain pre-existing conditions had a greater risk of having a second surgery or not surviving the next one to 10 years than patients without such disorders.

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  • Researchers Recommend Wellness Programs for Increased Number of Young TJR Patients with Obesity

    Source: Healio

    Results from a new total joint replacement database show that the increase in young patients with obesity contributes to increased rates of total joint replacement in the United States, and researchers recommend hospitals and private practices implement wellness programs to improve patient outcomes.

    “Postoperative rehabilitation and support programs should target improved physical activity and diet to promote weight loss and a healthier lifestyle. We should focus on standard best practices for physical therapy and health management after joint replacement surgery,” David C. Ayers, MD, chair of the Department of Orthopaedics and Physical Rehabilitation and director of the Musculoskeletal Center of Excellence at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, told Orthopedics Today. “Such standards currently do not exist. Figuring those out, and how to lose weight, should be a priority. It has to be about more than just fixing joint pain. It has to be about long-term health, function and quality of life.”

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  • Socially Isolated Patients with Arthritis have more Pain After THR

    Source: Healio

    SAN DIEGO – Socially isolated patients with osteoarthritis are nearly three times more likely to experience serious ongoing pain after total hip replacement than patients with good social ties, according to researchers from Hospital for Special Surgery.

    “Previous studies have shown that social isolation is a risk factor for poor health outcomes,” Lisa A. Mandl, MD, MPH, from Hospital for Special Surgery, stated. “Studies show that people who don’t have good social ties are at increased risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke, and even dying, compared to those who enjoy the social support of family, friends and the community.”

    In the study, social isolation was defined based on whether the patients were married, were members of any community or religious groups or had fewer than six friends or relatives. Mandl and colleagues noted that, although the 132 rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients and 392 osteoarthritis (OA) patients had similar demographics and proportions of socially isolated patients, the OA patients had a statistically significant association with postoperative decreased WOMAC scores and social isolation, according to the abstract.

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  • Obesity May Limit Overall Function Two Years After Shoulder Replacement Surgery

    Source: ScienceDaily

    Patients with obesity undergo a disproportionately higher number of elective orthopaedic surgeries in the U.S.

    Total shoulder arthroplasty is an excellent procedure for pain relief and functional improvement in patients with shoulder arthritis.

    A total shoulder replacement was able to provide this patient population (normal BMI) with improved shoulder function which resulted in a better physical function.

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  • Reason for Seeking Treatment Influences Preoperative Expectations of Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery

    Source: Healio

    Researchers from the Steadman Philippon Research Institute analyzed patient expectations before arthroscopic shoulder surgery and found that while the main expectation of all patients was return to sport, secondary expectations varied in importance depending on the reason why patients sought treatment.

    “Elevated importance of specific expectation questions did not universally correlate with worse preoperative subjective scoring systems,” Ryan J. Warth, MD, and colleagues from the Steadman Philippon Research Institute in Vail, Colo., wrote in the study. “Whereas return to sport was the most important expectation overall, the importance of other expectations varied by patients’ reasons for seeking treatment. The current questionnaire may have limited use in patients with shoulder instability.”

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  • Hours spent in Organized Sports may Predict Young Athlete Injury

    Source: Medical News Today

    Athletes ages 8 to 18 who spend twice as many hours per week in organized sports than in free play, and especially in a single sport, are more likely to be injured, according to an abstract presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) National Conference and Exhibition in Orlando.

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