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  • Tendonitis and Tendinopathy

    Tendonitis and tendinopathy are not the same things. Knowing the differences will determine your treatment.

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  • Causes and treatments for burning in the knee

    Knee joints are under a lot of physical stress each day. It is very common to experience pain in one or both knees due to normal wear and tear, physical activity, or injury. Often, if a person has a knee injury or strain, the pain can feel as though it is burning.

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  • Skiing, Snowboarding Injuries Most Severe Among Younger Kids

    Winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding are a great way to get kids active, but new research suggests extra safety measures may be in order for younger children.

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  • Recommendations to prevent secondary fractures in adults 65+ with osteoporosis

    A multistakeholder coalition assembled by the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) has issued clinical recommendations for the optimal prevention of secondary fracture among people aged 65 years and older with a hip or vertebral fracture—the most serious complication associated with osteoporosis.

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  • Physical activity in lessons improves students' attainment

    Students who take part in physical exercises like star jumps or running on the spot during school lessons do better in tests than peers who stick to sedentary learning, according to a UCL-led study.

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  • Causes and treatments for burning legs

    It is common to feel burning legs during exercise, or because of sunburn. Other medical conditions can cause nerve damage, which may lead to a burning sensation.

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  • Elbow Dislocation Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

    An elbow dislocation occurs when the upper arm and forearm get separated from their normal position. The bone of the upper arm (humerus) normally touching the bones of the forearm (the radius and ulna). When an elbow dislocation occurs, these bones are separated from their normal alignment. Elbow dislocations are the second most common joint dislocation, following shoulder dislocations.

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  • Protective mediators can help heal injured tendon cells by attacking inflammation

    Tendon tears, both to the rotator cuff and Achilles heel, are common injuries, especially in aged individuals. Painful and disabling, they can adversely impact quality of life. New approaches are required to help patients suffering from chronic tendon injuries. A novel study identified mediators that promote resolution of inflammation as potential new therapeutics to push chronically injured tendons down an inflammation-resolving pathway.

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  • Heated suit simulates exercise benefits for people unable to take part in physical activity

    Scientists are testing a heated suit which replicates some benefits of exercise without the need for physical activity.

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  • How to strengthen your knee

    The knee is the largest joint in the body. People use it heavily every day as they walk, run, climb, or jump. As a result, it is also very prone to injury and pain. When these occur, a doctor may recommend exercises to help a person strengthen the muscles around the knee.

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